User Workshops
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OpenTrack Userworkshops
OpenTrack Userworkshop 2019
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Der letzte OpenTrack-Userworkshop fand vom 12. bis 14. September 2019 in einem erweiterten Rahmen zusammen mit Viriato-Usern (SMA und Partner AG) an der ETH Zürich (ETHZ) statt. Auf der Workshop-Website finden Sie alle Präsentationen und weitere Informationen zum Event.
Die OpenTrack-Präsentationen:
- David Lassen, Queensland Rail, Australia - Using OpenTrack to evaluate Rollingstock and Infrastructure Projects in Queensland Rail (Download PDF-File)
- Pascal Joris, SMA (France) SAS, Paris - Advanced Use of the OpenTrack Script Mode (Download PDF-File)
- Andreas Schoebel, OpenTrack Railway Technology Ltd., Austria - Application of OpenTrack´s Headway Calculator for ETCS Projects in Austria (Download PDF-File)
- Phillip Imrie, Plateway, Sydney, Australia - Freight Marshalling Yard Operations using OpenTrack (Download PDF-File)
- Dee Keat Ong, Rail Systems Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - OpenTrack with API as Digital Twin in industrial Product Development (Download PDF-File)
- Martin Jacob, Institut für Bahntechnik, Dresden, Germany - OpenTrack for Traction Power Supply Studies with OpenPowerNet (Download PDF-File)
OpenTrack Userworkshop 2017
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Die OpenTrack-Präsentationen:
- Andreas Schoebel, OpenTrack Railway Technology Ltd., Austria - OpenTrack Projects in the Balkan Region (Download PDF-File)
- Thomas Barrois, RATP, France - Modernization of the RATP Railway Network (Download PDF-File)
- Pierre-Alain Boeswillwald, TTK, Karlsruhe - Network optimisation with dynamic modelling: the case study of Karlsruhe (Download PDF-File)
- Phillip Imrie, Plateway, Australia - Advanced FreightTrain Simulation (Download PDF-File)
- David Lassen, Queensland Rail, Australia - The OpenTrack Journey (Download PDF-File)
- Juerg Suter, Baer Bahnsicherung, Switzerland - OpenTrack-Training in Riyadh, Planning the future Operations on the SAR Network (Download PDF-File)
- Giovanni Longo, University of Trieste, Italy - Coupling OpenTrack with external Optimization Tools (Download PDF-File)
- Raimond Wuest, ZHAW Winterthur, Switzerland - The OpenTrack API ‐ further Experiences (Download PDF-File)
OpenTrack Userworkshop 2015
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Die OpenTrack-Präsentationen:
- Carole Raynard, SMA and Partner AG, Switzerland - Simulation of a Commuter Network - Methodology and practical implementation (Download PDF-File)
- Phillip Imrie, Plateway, Australia - Large Freight Networks (Download PDF-File)
- David Koopman, Royal HaskoningDHV, The Netherlands - Assessment of operational Feasibility
Dutch Network - Timetable 2014 and 2017 (Download PDF-File)
- Raimond Wuest, ZHAW Winterthur, Switzerland - OpenTrack Speed-Instruction API - first Experiences and Requests for the future Functionality (Download PDF-File)
- Martin Jacob, IfB, Germany - Energy Efficiency Increase of Electrical Local Transport Systems (Download PDF-File)
- Dominik Looser, Swiss Railways SBB, Switzerland - Data Sources for Simulation Projects (Download PDF-File)
- Bernhard Seybold, trafIT solutions, Switzerland - railML - in OpenTrack and in other Tools (Download PDF-File)
OpenTrack Userworkshop 2013
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Die OpenTrack-Präsentationen:
- Johannes Meister and Fosca Romani, TTK, Karlsruhe - Light Rail Modelling with OpenTrack - Examples and Perspectives (Download PDF-File)
- Torben Brand and Joel Sultan, Jernbaneverket, Norway - Project Infrastructure Modell Opentrack - Building a national network (Download PDF-File)
- Elin Reitan and Sven-Jöran Schrader, NSB, Norway - Use of Simulation to Evaluate Performance of Timetable Concepts (Download PDF-File)
- Ian Imrie, Plateway, Australia, Trevor Bagnall Queensland Rail, Australia and Martin Jacob IfB Germany - Holistic Capacity of Rail Networks - Exposing Asset Deficiencies in a complex System (Download PDF-File)
- Giorgio Medeossi, LIFT, Italy - Rail Traffic Explorer
and Simulationbooster (Download PDF-File)
OpenTrack Userworkshop 2010
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Die OpenTrack-Präsentationen:
- Daniel Hürlimann, OpenTrack Railway Technology Ltd., Switzerland - OpenTrack version 1.6 - new features (Download PDF-File)
- Martin Jacob, IfB, Germany - Operation and Power Supply Simulation for China Railways (Download PDF-File)
- G. Medeossi, University of Trieste, Italy - OpenTrack Simulation of complex nodes - Case Studies in Italy (Download PDF-File)
- Arjan Wieringa, DHV, The Netherlands - OpenTrack for design support - Verification of feasible solutions (Download PDF-File)
- Phillip Imrie, Plateway, Australia - Recent Australian OpenTrack Projects (Download PDF-File)
- Doris Tuna, TU Wien, Austria - Anwendungsbeispiel Salzburg Hauptbahnhof - Zur Beurteilung von Infrastrukturvarianten (Download PDF-File)
- Daniel Kerwien, ETC, Germany - Überprüfung der schienenseitigen Leistungsfähigkeit des zukünftigen intermodalen Terminals Oslo-Alnabru mit Hilfe von OpenTrack (Download PDF-File)
- Alex Schmid, Savannah Simulations AG, Switzerland - OpenTrack + SimWalk Transport „Closing the gap“ between railway network and passenger simulation (Download PDF-File)
OpenTrack Userworkshop 2008
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Die OpenTrack-Präsentationen:
- Daniel Hürlimann, OpenTrack Railway Technology Ltd., Switzerland - OpenTrack version 1.5 - new features (Download PDF-File)
- Arnd Stephan, IfB, Germany - OpenPowerNet – Simulation of Railway Power Supply Systems (Download PDF-File)
- G. Medeossi, University of Trieste, Italy - OpenTrack in Italy. An example: the node of Roma (Download PDF-File)
- Rob Goverde, TU Delft, The Netherlands - The application of OpenTrack in education and research at Delft University of Technology (Download PDF-File)
- Phillip Imrie, Plateway, Australia - Modelling of Service Reliability Using OpenTrack (Download PDF-File)
- Giorgio Mastella, NET Engineering, Italy - An application of OpenTrack in the design of Veneto Regional Metropolitan Railway System (Download PDF-File)
- Frederic Birer, Egis-Rail, France - OpenTrack simulation for suburban tunnel in Paris (RER B & D) (Download PDF-File)
- Tero Kosonen, VR Track, Finland - Railway simulation using OpenTrack in Finland (Download PDF-File)
- Andreas Schoebel, TU Wien, Austria - Anwendungsbeispiel für den Einsatz von OpenTrack im Rahmen einer ausgewählten Diplomarbeit an der TU Wien (Download PDF-File)
- Thomas Graffagnino, SBB AG, Switzerland - railML-Datenaustausch im Rahmen von STABILO Analysen (Download PDF-File)
Weitere Auskünfte
Wenn Sie Fragen oder Anregungen zu OpenTrack haben, so setzen Sie sich doch mit uns in Verbindung:OpenTrack Railway Technology GmbH
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CH - 8050 Zürich
Tel: + 41 - 44 - 310 19 90
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