User Workshops
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OpenTrack Userworkshops
OpenTrack user workshop 2019
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The last OpenTrack user workshop was held in Zurich in an extended setting together with Viriato users (SMA und Partner AG) from September 12th to 14th, 2019 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich, ETHZ). On the workshop website you will find all the presentations together with other information about the event.
OpenTrack presentations:
- David Lassen, Queensland Rail, Australia - Using OpenTrack to evaluate Rollingstock and Infrastructure Projects in Queensland Rail (Download PDF-File)
- Pascal Joris, SMA (France) SAS, Paris - Advanced Use of the OpenTrack Script Mode (Download PDF-File)
- Andreas Schoebel, OpenTrack Railway Technology Ltd., Austria - Application of OpenTrack´s Headway Calculator for ETCS Projects in Austria (Download PDF-File)
- Phillip Imrie, Plateway, Sydney, Australia - Freight Marshalling Yard Operations using OpenTrack (Download PDF-File)
- Dee Keat Ong, Rail Systems Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - OpenTrack with API as Digital Twin in industrial Product Development (Download PDF-File)
- Martin Jacob, Institut für Bahntechnik, Dresden, Germany - OpenTrack for Traction Power Supply Studies with OpenPowerNet (Download PDF-File)
OpenTrack user workshop 2017
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OpenTrack presentations:
- Andreas Schoebel, OpenTrack Railway Technology Ltd., Austria - OpenTrack Projects in the Balkan Region (Download PDF-File)
- Thomas Barrois, RATP, France - Modernization of the RATP Railway Network (Download PDF-File)
- Pierre-Alain Boeswillwald, TTK, Karlsruhe - Network optimisation with dynamic modelling: the case study of Karlsruhe (Download PDF-File)
- Phillip Imrie, Plateway, Australia - Advanced FreightTrain Simulation (Download PDF-File)
- David Lassen, Queensland Rail, Australia - The OpenTrack Journey (Download PDF-File)
- Juerg Suter, Baer Bahnsicherung, Switzerland - OpenTrack-Training in Riyadh, Planning the future Operations on the SAR Network (Download PDF-File)
- Giovanni Longo, University of Trieste, Italy - Coupling OpenTrack with external Optimization Tools (Download PDF-File)
- Raimond Wuest, ZHAW Winterthur, Switzerland - The OpenTrack API ‐ further Experiences (Download PDF-File)
OpenTrack user workshop 2015
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OpenTrack presentations:
- Carole Raynard, SMA and Partner AG, Switzerland - Simulation of a Commuter Network - Methodology and practical implementation (Download PDF-File)
- Phillip Imrie, Plateway, Australia - Large Freight Networks (Download PDF-File)
- David Koopman, Royal HaskoningDHV, The Netherlands - Assessment of operational Feasibility
Dutch Network - Timetable 2014 and 2017 (Download PDF-File)
- Raimond Wuest, ZHAW Winterthur, Switzerland - OpenTrack Speed-Instruction API - first Experiences and Requests for the future Functionality (Download PDF-File)
- Martin Jacob, IfB, Germany - Energy Efficiency Increase of Electrical Local Transport Systems (Download PDF-File)
- Dominik Looser, Swiss Railways SBB, Switzerland - Data Sources for Simulation Projects (Download PDF-File)
- Bernhard Seybold, trafIT solutions, Switzerland - railML - in OpenTrack and in other Tools (Download PDF-File)
OpenTrack user workshop 2013
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OpenTrack presentations:
- Johannes Meister and Fosca Romani, TTK, Karlsruhe - Light Rail Modelling with OpenTrack - Examples and Perspectives (Download PDF-File)
- Torben Brand and Joel Sultan, Jernbaneverket, Norway - Project Infrastructure Modell Opentrack - Building a national network (Download PDF-File)
- Elin Reitan and Sven-Jöran Schrader, NSB, Norway - Use of Simulation to Evaluate Performance of Timetable Concepts (Download PDF-File)
- Ian Imrie, Plateway, Australia, Trevor Bagnall Queensland Rail, Australia and Martin Jacob IfB Germany - Holistic Capacity of Rail Networks - Exposing Asset Deficiencies in a complex System (Download PDF-File)
- Giorgio Medeossi, LIFT, Italy - Rail Traffic Explorer
and Simulationbooster (Download PDF-File)
OpenTrack user workshop 2010
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OpenTrack presentations:
- Daniel Hürlimann, OpenTrack Railway Technology Ltd., Switzerland - OpenTrack version 1.6 - new features (Download PDF-File)
- Martin Jacob, IfB, Germany - Operation and Power Supply Simulation for China Railways (Download PDF-File)
- G. Medeossi, University of Trieste, Italy - OpenTrack Simulation of complex nodes - Case Studies in Italy (Download PDF-File)
- Arjan Wieringa, DHV, The Netherlands - OpenTrack for design support - Verification of feasible solutions (Download PDF-File)
- Phillip Imrie, Plateway, Australia - Recent Australian OpenTrack Projects (Download PDF-File)
- Doris Tuna, TU Wien, Austria - Anwendungsbeispiel Salzburg Hauptbahnhof - Zur Beurteilung von Infrastrukturvarianten (Download PDF-File)
- Daniel Kerwien, ETC, Germany - Überprüfung der schienenseitigen Leistungsfähigkeit des zukünftigen intermodalen Terminals Oslo-Alnabru mit Hilfe von OpenTrack (Download PDF-File)
- Alex Schmid, Savannah Simulations AG, Switzerland - OpenTrack + SimWalk Transport „Closing the gap“ between railway network and passenger simulation (Download PDF-File)
OpenTrack user workshop 2008
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OpenTrack presentations:
- Daniel Hürlimann, OpenTrack Railway Technology Ltd., Switzerland - OpenTrack version 1.5 - new features (Download PDF-File)
- Arnd Stephan, IfB, Germany - OpenPowerNet – Simulation of Railway Power Supply Systems (Download PDF-File)
- G. Medeossi, University of Trieste, Italy - OpenTrack in Italy. An example: the node of Roma (Download PDF-File)
- Rob Goverde, TU Delft, The Netherlands - The application of OpenTrack in education and research at Delft University of Technology (Download PDF-File)
- Phillip Imrie, Plateway, Australia - Modelling of Service Reliability Using OpenTrack (Download PDF-File)
- Giorgio Mastella, NET Engineering, Italy - An application of OpenTrack in the design of Veneto Regional Metropolitan Railway System (Download PDF-File)
- Frederic Birer, Egis-Rail, France - OpenTrack simulation for suburban tunnel in Paris (RER B & D) (Download PDF-File)
- Tero Kosonen, VR Track, Finland - Railway simulation using OpenTrack in Finland (Download PDF-File)
- Andreas Schoebel, TU Wien, Austria - Anwendungsbeispiel für den Einsatz von OpenTrack im Rahmen einer ausgewählten Diplomarbeit an der TU Wien (Download PDF-File)
- Thomas Graffagnino, SBB AG, Switzerland - railML-Datenaustausch im Rahmen von STABILO Analysen (Download PDF-File)
Further information
For further information on OpenTrack, please contact:OpenTrack Railway Technology Ltd
Gubelstr. 28
CH - 8050 Zürich
Phone: + 41 - 44 - 310 19 90
Fax: + 41 - 86 - 044 310 19 90
OpenTrack web site